Unleash the power of your positive mind, sculpt your muscles, navigate motherhood like a pro, create long lasting marriage and embark on a mission to become the best version of yourself.
Join a community of strong women supporting each other through this empowering journey—because together, we redefine what it means to thrive.

Are you feeling overwhelmed as a mom, wife, spouse? Do you have a hard time finding the time for yourself and creating the balance in your life? Are you overweight and tired and have no desire for a better future?
Or maybe you have something UNIQUE to offer but just do not know where to start?
You arrived at the right PLACE and the right TIME my Friend!
The Freak Female Alliance is everything
Because this place will be your TRIBE, your TEAM who’s got your back.
Your place TO HAVE A VOICE and CELEBRATE your victories.
You will gain CONFIDENCE, become DECISIVE and an ACTION TAKER, stay ACCOUNTABLE and FIT 365 days per year.
Together, we will create the ULTIMATE FREAK FREEDOM lifestyle you always wanted, filled with PASSION and PURPOSE!
Does this sound AWESOME?
Please watch this short video as my welcome to you!
Who is The Freak Female?
Who can you Become Here?
* She has a FREEDOM ( from her past beliefs, people, environment ) She lives her life on her own terms
R - Role Models
* She is confident and powerful to be the Role Model she always wanted to be ( in her house, her community)
E - Enthusiasm
* She has infectious energy, loves her life and makes people better than she found them
A- Attitude
* She stays positive no matter what situation. She knows that looking at life with this vibrancy will only bring more to her life.
* She kills procrastination, doubt with her action, she is unstoppable. She knows that imperfect action is better than inaction.
F-Freedom R-Role Model E-Enthusiasm A-Attitude K-Kill
Please answer the following questions
Let's connect! Please share your thoughts on the following:
Your answers will be kept confidential.
Mindset and Mission:
Vision and Purpose: What is your ultimate vision for yourself, both personally and professionally? What drives you to achieve your goals?
Core Values: What are the core values that guide your life and decisions?
Life's Purpose: How do you envision your ideal life?
Overcoming Challenges: What has been the biggest challenge for you recently?
Body and Wellness:
Self-Care: How do you prioritize self-care in your busy life? What practices or routines help you recharge and rejuvenate?
Physical Well-being: What are your fitness goals, and what obstacles are preventing you from achieving them?
How do you envision a healthier, more energized version of yourself?
Marriage and Motherhood:
Relationship Goals: What are your hopes and dreams for your relationship with your partner? What qualities do you admire most in each other
Motherhood Journey ( answer this if you have kids) How has motherhood shaped your identity and priorities?
Work-Life Balance: How do you balance the demands of work, family, and personal life? What strategies do you use to maintain a healthy equilibrium?
Meet your Coach

I am a Polish Immigrant with a big heart, strong accent, kick A@@ husband and 2 beautiful kids.
Just a few years ago my life was very difficult... I did not have that much success. When I first came to the United States, I was completely lost. I thought that money would give me happiness - I was so wrong! I had worked jobs mindlessly, without understanding my own purpose in this WORLD. Once I tuned into my natural inclinations, what I love doing and being obsessed about it - life started showing me amazing opportunities.
There is a saying “ something or someone will come to your life, that will change this life forever”. I started listening to the voice inside me, I had connected to my empowering self and was able to follow my real path in life. And this is what I want for you my Friend! I remember back in 2009 when my husband and I opened up our 1st location of Peak Physique Boot Camp and Boxing in NY.
We were broke, almost 20K behind in paying rent for our 1st location and other unpaid bills. We were awesome coaches but poor entrepreneurs, leaders and marketers. We had a clear purpose and vision, but this was not enough. Are you in the same place right now? You do not know what to do next? We came across this great community of people, and we saw that they are getting results, making money and most importantly living their life.We decided to make this Bold Move and we joined our 1st Mastermind.
I remember investing 25K - money that we did not have. Who does that? Desperate people, who don't give up on their dreams. People who believe that money comes and goes, that money is the vehicle to freedom and that the money will make more money. This investment changed our life. We quickly scaled up and within 1 year our business brought 7 figures. Yes! The 7 figures were a representation of not being afraid of taking risks, showing up, investing, collaboration, connection and implementation of the knowledge. Not only we changed and improved our mind - set, more so, we were helping others, just like the domino effect.
We had bigger dreams, we wanted to scale even more, we wanted to impact the world. We invested again, this time in 1 on 1 Coaching and it just put us on a different level in our mindset, running businesses and more. Now, imagine, this 1 on 1 coaching cost us - 15K - just for half a day! We moved from NY to CA, sold Peak Physique and pivot this business to an online coaching platform. It was a lot of money but we knew that, if we want a BIG Impact , we need a BIG Investment. We created multi companies from this point on.
Today, we teach other people on how to install the positive mindset, create the non -negotiable( workout, nutrition, time with family ), we help them create and implement the new sop's, train teams and more - we teach the same thing we did... So if you ever wanted to scale your business and create real WEALTH and MASSIVE IMPACT.... you are the exact reason why I have created the Freak Female Alliance ( FFA), The Alliance of like minded women who wan to discover their own Unique Purpose and Vision, and not only survive, but thrive. Just imagine:
* The Support
* The Inspiration
* The Motivation
* The Accountability
* The Direct Tools of Implementation
* The " Necessary Push " that You Just NEED
* The Action
* The Confidence
* The Energy
* And being your own UNIQUE FREAK - SELF ( without judgment)
Why Freak Female?

Through my struggles and coaching career I have realized that Women:
* Do not take time for themselves
* They serve everyone therefore they do not put themselves as the Highest Priority
*They feel guilty for following their dreams
* They stop following their dreams
* They stop believing that it is still possible to live their life with passion and purpose
* They avoid hard things and challenges
* They ask to many times for permission
* They think that life is over after having kids ( body and nutrition part )
* They are overwhelmed, stressed and depressed We will be changing this pattern for You
Are you Ready?
What exactly do you get in the Freak Female Alliance Coaching? 
I Build this Alliance Program for women like you, who want a better Mind- set, Body and Business. Where MASTER- MINDS could come together to scale and evolve your life and your business. You need both in order to be happy and fulfilled.
Because what is the point of building an Empire if you are not happy at home, with your relationships?
This is everything I put together to help you do it.
1. Weekly zoom coaching call
2. Private VIP page - Freak Female Alliance Community
3. Membership for daily workouts with me, and my freak family. This program alone is worth $400, but I have included it completely FREE.
4. Additional Live workouts with me and my Freak Family ( in person or on zoom )
5. 50% for Your spouse in the men’s Freak Father Alliance - you can always talk to me about it and additional free program for your kids
6. Different challenges and Accountability Perks
7. Discounted and Free Courses
8. VIP Discount for Masterminds and Events
9. Free PDF with tools and strategies that will help you change your Life
Who should NOT apply for FFA?
❌Someone, who doesn’t take the full responsibility for action, blames someone else for their misery
❌Is not willing to work hard and go the extra mile
❌Someone who is not willing to invest
❌Someone who has the victim mindset
❌Someone who hates health and Fitness
❌Hates feedback
❌Is fake and not real
Who should apply for FFA?
✅ Person who loves fitness and nutrition
✅ Someone who has been stuck and needs to grow
✅ Someone who is willing to push the extra mile
✅ Someone who is willing to listen and follow
✅ Someone who has a business or wants to start a business
✅ Someone who is willing to invest in themselves
✅ Someone who understand that money is a tool to create more money
Recently held last June 3, 2023

Frequently Asked Questions
1. I am not a Business Owner, Can I still join?
Absolutely, we will be covering all different life departments like Mind- Set, Body, Relationships, and Goals to Live a more Fulfilled Lifestyle.
2. I already own several businesses, will this coaching help me?
Of course, you are a great fit to this program. We will have ongoing discussions on running successful.
3. I have not worked out for a long time, will I be able to keep up with the workouts?
Yes, the modifications will be demonstrated, and are for all levels of fitness.
4. Do I need to follow your workout program?
No, you don't have to - however with our fitness it is impossible not to get in shape.
5. What if I miss the live coaching calls?
All calls will be recorded and you will have a library to go to and watch it at your own time.
6. What if I have a question to ask?
You can post in our private community and you will get an answer within 24 hour, and all questions can be asked during our calls.
7. I do not have a FB, how can I access the community?
Nothing to worry, all info will be on our private community page called Freak Female Alliance Group. You will be added here once your registration is confirmed.
8. Does your program include any recipes?
Absolutely, we have many recipes created for weight loss, all in your private membership site.

The Superhero is within You, you just need to discover it. Look inward, reconnect with your innate force and find the purpose and the meaning of the true You. Knowing it with clarity will give you unstoppable energy. Your Superhero's cape will give you the wings, even if they are invisible. So spread them wide and fly high. May your passion and curiosity be endless, may your enthusiasm be infectious, your inner glow and energy shine through the projects and your creations and may your final outcome be of service to others. Each of us makes a difference in the Universe.